What Does MaiaGrazing Do?

Gut feel only goes so far. MaiaGrazing does the rest.

What we do

Unlike carbon management, livestock management isn't an exact science. With Maia Grazing, you can manage your livestock data and consumption of resources with ease.

With over 10 years experience in market, and having created the original Digital Grazing Plan, our Graziers are confident making big decisions quickly using our forecasting and visual data analytics tools.

What you get with MaiaGrazing

Comprehesive grazing management

MaiaGrazing provides flexible data capture, powerful planning features and visual data analytics.

Focus on results, not records

MaiaGrazing drives higher productivity, better decision-making and more confidence in your operation.

Unmatched customer support

Our world-class Grazing Success Teams are farmers themselves, helping you every step of the way.

Soil carbon project tracking

Keep regulation-proof records of changes made on your farm to comply with eligible activity requirements.

How can MaiaGrazing help you build soil carbon?

MaiaGrazing helps you make the daily grazing decisions that build soil carbon:

Maintain ground cover

  • Our forecasting tool helps you match stocking rate to carrying capacity to prevent over grazing
  • Build rainfall scenarios and adjust plans as seasons progress
  • Analyse the impact of different stocking options in response to a grass surplus or deficit

Increase grass growth

  • Generate grazing plans to maximise phase 2 grass growth
  • Match stock class to feed type to minmise over or under grazing of different grasses 

Optimise rest and recovery periods

  • Generate a grazing plan that automates rest and recovery windows based on data
  • Understand what paddock and water infrastructure is required to meet desired rest periods
  • Use photo observations to track and validate feed on offer and recovery rates

Atlas Carbon is with you from start to finish

Atlas Carbon helps you from discovery to delivery stage.
Here’s how a partnership with us works:


Discover if your property is a candidate for a soil carbon project


Learn about your current soil health and its future potential


Partner with Atlas Carbon, define your eligible activities and register your project


Work with Atlas Carbon to deliver a successful soil carbon project on your property

Partner with Atlas Carbon

Discover how Atlas Carbon and MaiaGrazing can help you maximise your soil carbon potential and adopt new and resilient farming practices.