Grazing Management 101

At Atlas Carbon we use the power of grazing management to build soil carbon and improve land productivity and resilience.

Maintain Ground Cover

Exposing bare soil to the sun and rain can release soil carbon. Grass cover and health root systems protect soil form exposure while processing nutrients to fix carbon deep in the soil.

Maintaining 100% grass cover protects your soil health and improves its ability to capture and absorb rainfall.

Maintain Grass

Keeping your grass in a “goldilocks” phase- not too short, not to tall and mature, maximises root growth and depth to build soil carbon, it also keeps the plane of nutrition balances for your livestock.

Maintaining your grass at the optimal length accelerates growth, deepens roots and supports animal digestion. This is achieved by quickly grazing down to the bottom of the optimal range, then resting until the plant reaches the top of the optimal range.

You don't have to sacrifice productivity

By implementing grazing practices that help to maintain ground cover and keep grass in the optimal growth state you can improve the stocking rate of your country and implement a successful soil carbon project. Atlas Carbon has the knowledge to help support our project partners.

Why Atlas Carbon?

We specialise in the “how” of building soil carbon. Our eight years of grazing data across 1000+ properties show how a commitment to practice adoption can deliver carbon outcomes and improved production.

Collaborate with Atlas Carbon

Discover how Atlas Carbon and MaiaGrazing can help you maximise your soil carbon potential and adopt new and resilient farming practices.