The Atlas Carbon Process

Our primary goal is carbon project success. Our four stage process involves thorough due diligence and our project partners receive on-going support and guidance every step of the way.

Atlas Carbon is with you from start to finish

Atlas Carbon helps you from discovery to delivery.
Here’s how a partnership with us works:


Discover if your property is a candidate for a soil carbon project


Learn about your current soil health and its future potential


Partner with Atlas Carbon, define your eligible activities and register your project


Work with Atlas Carbon to deliver a successful soil carbon project on your property


Discover what it means to undertake a successful soil carbon project and if your property has potential
  • Free Cost-Benefit report
  • Resources and webinars

Atlas Carbon works hard to ensure there is clarity on what a soil carbon project is and if your property is a good candidate to run one. Our free cost-benefit report takes in information provided by you to build out an estimation of your property's initial potential.

This report is presented to you by our experts over a call to ensure there is an opportunity to contextualise your results and answer any questions you might have about a project.


Learn about your property from our experts who visit to understand your soil health and operational suitability for a project
  • Farm Visit
  • Project Viability Assessment

Atlas Carbon's farm visit is a chance for our experts to get boots on the ground and understand a property's unique potential and requirements. We take soil samples on the day that help us form a view of your soil health outside of just carbon.

We spend time with landholders during the farm visit to get a view of their current grazing practices, pasture quality and the general approach to their operations.

Atlas Carbon utilises the data collected from the farm visit to produce our soil carbon viability assessment. This report takes into account soil sample results measured across a number of factors alongside grazing and management observations.

The outcome of this report is a robust assessment of the viability of a soil carbon project. This is based on a more validated view of the soils' capacity to gain and retain carbon and what investment would be needed to ensure an optimal return.


Partner with Atlas Carbon as we help define your eligible activities and reduce the hassle of registration and baselining
  • Land Management Strategy
  • Soil and emissions baselining


There are a number of requirements to satisfy when registering a soil carbon project.

Atlas Carbon has an established process for ensuring your Land Management Strategy is correctly drafted and your historical activities are accurately captured.


Atlas Carbon works with leading technologies to ensure our soil baselining tools are as cost effective and accurate as possible. We sample up to 120cm and are committed to continuously refining our processes to reduce variance and costs for our customers.

We work with you to provide clarity on emissions baselining and help you understand what factors increase or decrease your emissions.


Atlas Carbon works with you to deliver a successful project by helping you plan activities and providing guidance and support
  • 5-year Implementation Plan
  • On-going support

Our customer success team of graziers, agronomists and carbon project experts will provide guidance and feedback on a regular basis to support you during moments of change and uncertainty.

Outside of day-to-day operations, we monitor any changes in legislation and grant funding to let you know if there are new opportunities for your project.

Post registration, Atlas Carbon remains invested in the success of your soil carbon project.

We work with you to plan improvements and actions to ensure the most effective compliance with eligible activities and any additional steps to increase your soil carbon and improve your grazing practices.

Collaborate with Atlas Carbon

Discover how Atlas Carbon and MaiaGrazing can help you maximise your soil carbon potential and adopt new and resilient farming practices.