Stakeholder Engagement Policy

Last updated
August 1, 2024

Atlas Carbon: Client and Stakeholder Engagement Policy

Atlas Carbon and MaiaGrazing specialise in providing advice and services to graziers. We pride ourselves on understanding graziers’ needs and giving them the information, tools and support to help achieve their aspirations for their property.

For over eight years MaiaGrazing has not only provided advanced software for grazing management but the training and support to make the most of it.  Our Grazing Success Teams are farmers themselves, and are on-call to respond to landholders.

Atlas Carbon continues this approach of providing high quality information and services, and responding to graziers’ needs to help develop and implement soil carbon projects:  

  • We provide a free Cost Benefit Report to help graziers understand if a soil carbon project can work for their property.
  • For properties that proceed to the next stage we undertake a farm visit to take soil samples and to understand the operations and potential of each property.
  • We agree on roles and responsibilities, and commit to working together through a Carbon Project Agreement – Atlas prefers to undertake projects as Co-Proponent with the landholders so we each share the benefits and risks.
  • Throughout the Registration process we keep graziers informed and guide them through the Soil Carbon Method requirements.
  • For project implementation, we work with landholders to track the implementation of activities as well as the soil and productivity benefits.

When questions or issues arise for the graziers we work with – we respond directly and quickly.  Graziers can easily reach out to us by contacting their assigned Account Manager or contacting our us through our general support email or phone number.  We track our support enquiries to ensure they are dealt with fully and efficiently.

Whilst graziers are our key focus, we take this level of customer engagement to the other stakeholders we work with across: eligible interest holders, government, universities, service providers and agricultural peak bodies.

We aim to engage with our clients and stakeholders to avoid a complaint arising. However, it is important to have in place a clear process for dealing with any ongoing issues, including the option to take it to a third party. Attached is our Complaints Procedure.

Atlas Carbon Complaints Procedure

How to make a complaint

At Atlas Carbon, we are committed to the fair and efficient resolution of complaints. Making a complaint is simple and easy. You can lodge your complaint by email or over the phone.


Phone: +61 02 6788 1228

What should I include in my complaint?
When lodging your complaint, you should include:

  • your name and contact details;
  • details of your complaint with sufficient information to allow us to fully consider and assess it; and
  • details of prior contact with us in relation to the complaint, such as who you had contact with and when.
  • we may request additional information from you to properly deal with and resolve your complaint.

How will my complaint be handled?

Upon receipt of your complaint:

  • we will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours or 1 business day;
  • we will record the details the Atlas Carbon complaints register and give your complaint genuine consideration;
  • we will assess and investigate your complaint promptly;
  • we will seek to resolve your complaint fairly, objectively and without bias;
  • we will seek to resolve your complaint at the earliest opportunity, and within 21 days;
  • we will inform you of our decision and provide reasons for it; and
  • feedback on the outcome of a complaint will be provided to you within 21 days of complaint receipt. Where additional time is required:
    a) you will be informed of the need for more time to complete the investigation; and
    b) the investigation must be completed within 45 days of receipt of the complaint;
  • If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a complaint, Atlas Carbon will provide you with the appropriate contact details for escalating that complaint to the Code Administrator.


When gathering information to respond to a complaint, we will only:

  • use it to deal with the complaint or to address systemic issues arising from the complaint
  • share it with staff on a need to know basis.

Recording complaints

All complaints are recorded in our Complaints Register. We analyse our complaint data and provide quarterlyreports to business leaders on how we can reduce complaints and improve services. Senior management is responsible for acting on the recommendations in these reports.

We record the following information for each complaint:

  • the complainant’s details
  • a description of the complaint
  • the complainant’s desired outcome (if known)
  • the team member responsible for handling the complaint
  • any action taken, including contact with the complainant, response times and the outcome
  • when the complaint was finalised
  • any recommendations for improvement, and who is responsible for implementing them.