Our Partners

Discover the incredible organisations and companies we collaborate with to make a positive impact on soil carbon projects.


Farmlab provides Atlas Carbon with access to a wide range of geospatial software, including soil data management, farm mapping and compliant soil sample planning.


Seqana is at the forefront of satellite-enabled soil carbon monitoring. Atlas Carbon partners with Seqana to provide customers with soil sampling design and stratification.


Atlas Carbon utilises Hone's Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to provide a portable and simple way for our customers to measure their soil carbon and monitor their soil health.


Atlas Carbon partners with Draiger to provide cost effective and sustainable soil sampling solutions. Draiger's innovative approach and commitment to Carbon neutrality align with Atlas Carbon.

Wilmot Cattle Co.

One of the earliest soil carbon sales in Australia and carbon farming innovators. Founded in 2008 and consisting of four properties across New England, these farms are taking carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it in our landscapes. Wilmott hopes their story will inspire and empower others to make regenerative changes to their businesses, for the benefit of their communities and the landscapes they manage.

Macdoch Ag Group

The Macdoch Ag Group is striving to show how a resilient agricultural sector builds natural capital and contributes to global climate solutions. The Macdoch Ag Group, through its farming, AgTech and advisory businesses, seeks to provide the tools, advice and test cases for how building natural capital can support the resilience, sustainability and profitability of farming businesses.

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Collaborate with Atlas Carbon

Discover how Atlas Carbon and MaiaGrazing can help you maximise your soil carbon potential and adopt new and resilient farming practices.