Join us on-demand to hear directly from a producer about the importance of due diligence when working with a soil carbon project provider.
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In 2024, Felicity Wheelwright, the owner of Roslyn Estate, collaborated with Atlas Carbon to assess the potential of a soil carbon project on her farm.
The initial data points from the desktop analysis indicated that Roslyn Estate was worthy of further investigation and on-farm due diligence.
During the session, you will discover:
- What the farm visit, soil tests and pasture analysis revealed
- Why due diligence determined that a soil carbon project was not recommended on this seemingly suitable property
- How the farm visit and soil analysis provided benefits for Roslyn Estate, beyond the assessment of its suitability for a soil carbon project
Hosted by:
- Bart Davidson, Atlas Carbon Chief Grazing Officer
- Col Feilen, Atlas Carbon Head of Business Development and Partnerships
Guest Speaker:
- Felicity Wheelwright, Roslyn Estate, NSW